So when I got back here, I searched bamboo out (which wasn't hard- it was at the local grocery store!) and bought two stalks (which also wasn't hard- $5 per stalk!). After I brought it home yesterday, I looked the plant up on google to figure out more about how to not kill it and ran across this website: I guess what I got was actually "Lucky Bamboo," which is technically not bamboo at all, but in the same family as lilies...
Anyway, this beautiful plant sitting in my messy room just did not match its surroundings, so I took the evening to "Tidy OOP!" as Ulla says in The Producers (more on this later. I'm playing trombone in the show at Coeur d'Alene Summer Theater). It was a good relaxing evening. Here are the results:

And here is my room, technically the guest bedroom at my parents' house, with a few of my own additions, of course:

I love your lucky bamboo. I have some too, a mixture of straight and curvy ones, and I love the bright shade of green.